Pricing and Packages

THE guide to creating your price list and packages specifically for the Kindy/Childcare market.
  • At look into the preschool /childcare market  
  • Where your focus needs to be when pricing
  • 4 key principles when constructing your price list
  • Pricing digital, Print Packages, keepsake albums and single items specifically for the preschool market
  • How I price for siblings at the same centre
  • Offering class photos 
  • Course includes a PDF, + Walkthrough videos and CANVA pricing template  
  • BONUS : school age sibling session pricing 
  • BONUS:  look into how add-ons are done with sytist software
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Need to get your price list sorted ?  You are in the right place ! 

Who is your market ? 

Examining who is your market at Kindy and Childcares.  Considerations when pricing to maintain profitability, inclusivity and retainment of centres year after year. 

The 4 key principles of Kindy/Childcare Pricing

Pricing to suit all budgets and getting the balance right with volume photography  offering a range of pricing,  what to offer your market and reaching for a healthy overall average sale. 

Structuring digital, print packages and keepsake album packs

What kinds of digital packages to offer, how to deliver files, how to structure print packages, wording to use , single image and multi image packages.  How I price keepsake albums and what's included ! 

What I do for Sibling sessions & pricing class photos

How do I price for sibling sessions ?  Do I discount and how do I manage this.  How I sell class photos and inclusion in packages. 

Offering Upgrades and Add-on's

How to maximise your sales results with the ability to add on quick and easy upgrade options to add extra items and products. 

Video Walkthroughs

2 videos - a walkthrough Trina's price list + a look inside the online cart showing packages and upgrade options and explanations
BONUS VIDEO :  School age sibling session video + explanation on pricing those sessions


Bonus Video on School age Sibling sessions

Learn how to structure sibling session with older 
school age children as an add on bonus sessions

Pricelist Canva Template

An easy to use price list template to get you started

Hi there, I'm Trina ! 

I have run a successful Kindy & Childcare photography business for the last 10 years, photographing thousands of children each year !  
Over that time I have refined processes and practices to improve and build the business.   
It is through these years of experience that I have seen trends in pricing and what are popular packages that parents want to buy.

I have trialled several different methods on how to sell my target package that holds the best value for sustainability of my business plus gives the parents loads of great value.   

I cant wait to share with you all my little tips, stories, successes + what doesn't work with pricing in regards to the preschool photography market.

Patrick Jones - Course author
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