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Website Review   $ 150

Review of your Kindy/Childcare Photography website in regards to customer ordering experience, packages and pricelist, webpage information and
parent registration flow / sign up process. 
Includes: Recorded personalised review and action list

What's included in your review ?

  • Pre-Recorded Video Review
  • Suggestion & action list

What's reviewed ? 

  • Home page information/ Images
  • A look at each page of your website
  • Products and Price List Review
  • Customer Experience - Parents and centre directors
  • FAQ included information review
  • Parent Registration process - is it easy to follow/ what's not clear
  • Cart experience

Action Steps

  • The recorded video will have Trina walk you through and chat about your website and identify any holes/ gaps from a customer experience perspective. 
  • Suggestion list given for areas that need more content
  • Ideas for change
  • Identification of errors/ missing information

Purchase your Website review anytime ! 

* Please allow up to 2 - 4 days to receive your completed review. 
After payment an email will be sent to you from Trina to customise your review. 

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